2024 Upper Deck Goodwin Champions Trading Cards BOX BREAK:
(2)HITSincluding:Autographs, Memorabilia, Manufactured Patches, Lenticulars, Black Diamondand/orBlack Diamond RelicsandOtherPremium Inserts
(10)Splash of Color SPs
(6)Platinum Variants
(6)Upper Deck Young Guns Cards
2024 Upper Deck Goodwin Champions Trading Cards PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS:
The100-Card Goodwin Base Setfeatures acontemporary designand aneclectic mixofrookies, superstar athletesandentertainment personalitiesfrom around the world.NotableNEWnamesinclude:
Leodalis De Vries, Bobby Finke, De’Aaron Fox, Erriyon Knighton, Trinity Rodman, Alyssa Thompson, Gisele Thompson, Anna Leigh Waters, Rose Zhang
Young Guns are here!One ofUpper Deck’smost anticipatedRookie cardsreturn toGoodwin Championsafter making their debut last year! In addition, collect the highly sought-afterExclusives(#’d to 100),High Gloss(#’d to 10), andClear Cut parallels. Keep an eye out forNEWparallelsof theBase Setas well!
Platinum Variants of the Base Set!Each variant card is printed usingchromium technology. Look fordazzling parallelsincludingRainbow, Red, Greenandlow serial #’d parallelsincludingGolden Treasures(#’d 1-of-1)!
Introducing the2024 Goodwin Champions Exquisite Collection!This set features an impressive array ofrookies, vetsandlegends. Collectors can findautographandmemorabilia cards, including theRookie Auto Patch Gold Spectrum Parallel(#’d to 10)!
Moreautograph cardsincluding the famedGoudey Collection. Look for a variety of othericonicHARD-SIGNEDautograph sets,including2000 SP Authentic Football autographsand2003-04 SP Authentic Rookie Authentics Autographs.
A wave ofreturning insertshave arrived in2024 Goodwin Champions. Checkout the following:
Sport Royalty Memorabilia:A dual swatch insert featuring the highest caliber subjects.
Goodwin Masterpieces:Art of the Ages hand-painted masterpiece cards.
Goodwin Memorabilia:Materials or Relics worn or used by a wide realm of subjects.
Museum Collection:Featuring memorabilia from famed historical artifacts.
NEW!Literary Classic Patches:This is a five-tiered collection ofembroidered manufactured patch cardsshowcasing inonic characters from the world of literature.
BOUNTY MISSION:Participate inGoodwin’s Bounty Missionby collecting theSplash of Color Bounty 3-D Lenticular Variant settoearn unbelievable achievement cards!For more information, and to participate, please visitUpperDeckBounty.comon or after release date.