PSA Grading Terms and Conditions

PSA Grading Terms and Conditions

Last Updated June 7, 2022

Owner acknowledges his/her responsibility to pick up the Cards after they have been graded. Store will notify Owner by phone when the Cards are available to be picked up.  Owner shall pick up the Cards from Store within six months after the date that notice is given that the Cards are available to be picked up. If Owner does not pick up the Cards within six months after notice is given that they are available to be picked up, Store will send the Owner notice by personal service and/or by Certified U.S. Mail.  If Owner does not pick up the Cards within 30 days after notice is given, it is understood by both Store and Owner that Owner has abandoned the Cards and does not intend to pick them up, and that Store may take possession of the Cards and dispose, sell, keep, or otherwise do with them as Store wishes. For the avoidance of doubt, Store and Owner agree that if Owner does not pick up the Cards within 30 days after Owner receives notice, Owner no longer wishes to own the Cards and has abandoned them to the possession of Store. Furthermore, even if Owner does not receive notification from Store that the Cards are available to be picked up, if more than one year passes from the date on this Agreement without Owner contacting Store about the Cards, Owner and Store shall understand that Owner intends to abandon the Cards and no longer wishes to possess them, so that Store may dispose, sell, keep, or otherwise do with them as Store wishes. For the avoidance of doubt, Store and Owner agree that if Owner does not contact Store about the Cards within one year after the date of this Agreement, even if Owner does not receive notification that the Cards are available to be picked up, Owner no longer wishes to own the Cards and has abandoned them to the possession of Store.