2020 Bowman Baseball Hobby Box
(1) Autographed Chrome Card
- (1) Atomic Refractor
- (19) Inserts
(1) Autographed Chrome Card in Every Box!
Chrome Prospect Autographs with Refractor Parallels #'d to 499 or less*.
- Look for NEW Yellow Refractors #'d to 75
HOBBY EXCLUSIVE REFRACTORS!! - Orange and Orange Shimmer, each #'d to 25
Chrome Rookie Autographs with Refractor Parallels #'d to 499 or less*
- Look for NEW! Yellow Refractors #'d to 75
- See sell sheet attached for completed breakdown of all Refractor Parallels.
NEW! Hidden Finds - #'d to 99
Rookie of the Year Favorites - #'d to 150 HOBBY EXCLUSIVE!
Dual Bowman Prospects - #'d to 25 HOBBY EXCLUSIVE!
2020 Bowman Ultimate Autograph Book Card - #'d to 10 HOBBY EXCLUSIVE!
- All-American Game Autographs - #'d to 199 HOBBY EXCLUSIVE!
NEW! 1990 Bowman Buyback Autographs - Various #'ing
(19) Insert Cards in Every Box!
- Bowman Scouts (1:4 Packs)
NEW! Spanning the Globe (1:6 Packs)- Highlighting the best international prospects and their home country flags!
- Rookie of the Year Favorites (1:8 Packs)
NEW! 1990 Bowman (1:8 Packs) - Bringing Chrome to the classic 1990 Bowman design! Find an assortment of prospects and superstars!!
- Talent Pipeline (1:12 Packs)
NEW! Hidden Finds (1:24 Packs) - Find the diamonds in the rough who made it out of the late rounds of the draft and rose through the ranks!
2020 Bowman Base Set - 100 Base Set cards featuring active stars and rookies, as well as 150 Base Paper and Base Chrome cards featuring top prospects!
- Look for NEW Yellow Border Parallels #'d to 75
HOBBY EXCLUSIVE Orange Border Parallels each #'d to 25